A fost publicată lista furnizorilor de servicii de formare pentru securitate cibernetică
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Popularity 1138


Popularity 1227


Mirai: a threat of botnets recently used for the conduct of the most representative DDoS attacks in history

Popularity 1227

Mirai is the name of a malware (malicious software) that is targeting IoT (Internet of Things) devices running Linux operating systems, turning them into remote-controlled systems and part of a botnet network. Among the devices covered by this threat are webcam surveillance systems, digital video re ... Read more ->

Vulnerability LINUX KERNEL

Popularity 1065

Team security company Point Perception Research has discovered a vulnerability 0-Day in the Linux kernel. It has existed since 2012 but has only recently been identified. Details of the operation were immediately disclosed Kernel security team. It was later developed an exploit for pr ... Read more ->

[CERT-RO#20160729] Adobe Flash – a technology whose multiple security vulnerabilities are being exploited more frequently

Popularity 1041

Introduction The fact that for Adobe Flash are identified in the what în what more vulnerabilities cyber security is not a novelty. With all the efforts of the company Adobe to fix these vulnerabilities, more and more voices in the industry cyber security argue that the platform is irretriev ... Read more ->